Hst 430 U.S. Cultural History

The relation of cultural attitudes, values, and belief to the American historical experience. Hst 430/530: 1600-1860, European legacy and Native Americans; Puritanism and mission; race, class, and ethnicity in Colonial America; American Enlightenment and Revolution; Cultural Nationalism in the New Republic; Industrial Ethic and Pastoralism; Jacksonian Democracy and the Cult of the Self-Made Man; Manifest Destiny and Native Americans; Slavery and African American Culture; Protestant Evangelicalism, Social Reform, Abolitionism, and Feminism. This is the first course in a sequence of three: Hst 430, Hst 431, and Hst 432. Also offered for graduate-level credit as Hst 530 and may be taken only once for credit.




Recommended prerequisites: Hst 201.