Graduate Programs

The School of Art+Design offers a two-year in-residency study program or a three-year low-residency program leading to the Master of Fine Arts degree in Contemporary Art Practice. In-residency students choose an emphasis in either Studio Practice or Social Practice and low-residency students must select Social Practice. These 90-credit programs prepare the student to be a practicing artist within a regional, national, and international arts community.

The student will acquire a strong theoretical foundation in order to analyze and discuss their work and that of others as well as to place their work in a historical and socio-cultural context. In addition, the student cultivates work, process, and research habits required of the self-directed artist. The MFA in Contemporary Art Practice is a small, individualized program that offers the student great accessibility to the MFA faculty, providing constant assessment and direction.

Graduate admission requirements

Contemporary Art Practices M.F.A.

Art Education: Secondary Education Program

Art Education: Secondary Education Program

Grades K through 12

Students who wish to teach art in the public schools must first complete a B.A., B.S. or B.F.A. in Art before applying to the School of Education for teacher training in the graduate program.

Prospective teachers should contact the art education adviser in the School of Art+Design before beginning the program.

Each student’s program is tailored to meet the requirements of the continuing endorsement license.

Although licensure requirements are incorporated into degree programs, changes by the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission during the life of this catalog may alter the requirements. It is imperative that the prospective teacher be in touch with the art education adviser from the beginning, as applicants for licensure must meet the commissions requirements in force at the time of the licensure application. Please refer to the Graduate School of Education requirements.