Academic Advising Requirements

Advising at Orientation

All new undergraduates, both freshmen and transfer students, are required to attend an orientation session where they will learn about Portland State University's academic curriculum and resources, meet with an academic adviser and be given permission to register for their first term at Portland State.


First-year Advising Requirement

All newly admitted undergraduates are required to receive academic advising from their intended major during their first year in order to register for the following year. For example, students admitted in fall term must receive advising from their intended major(s), during the academic year, based on the department's specific advising plan, or a hold will prevent them from being able to register in May for the following fall term.

Students who have not chosen a major (i.e., are exploratory/undeclared) are advised by Advising and Career Services. Students in pre-professional programs (e.g. education, medicine, nursing) may receive their advising from either their major department or the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Advising Center. Students should contact their major department, their college or school advising center, or Advising and Career Services to clarify their advising options.

First-Year Advising Requirement:

Advising & Career Services:

CLAS Advising:

Advising Options: