OHSU-PSU School of Public Health

David Bangsberg, Dean

Shelly Wolf, Associate Dean for Finance and Administration
Thomas Becker, Interim Associate Dean of Research
Katherine Bradley, Interim Associate Dean for Practice
Carlos Crespo, Interim Associate Dean of Undergraduate Affairs
Nancy Goldschmidt, Interim Assistant Dean for Accreditation
Jill Rissi, Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs


  • B.A., B.S. —Health Studies, Applied Health and Fitness
  • Minors in Community Health, Aging Services
  • Graduate Certificates in Biostatistics (OHSU), Public Health (OHSU)
  • M.S. —Biostatistics (OHSU)
  • M.P.H. —Biostatistics (OHSU), Environmental Systems and Human Health (OHSU), Epidemiology (OHSU), Health Management and Policy, Health Promotion, Primary Health Care and Health Disparities (OHSU)
  • M.A., M.S. —Health Studies
  • Ph.D. —Community Health, Epidemiology (OHSU), Health Systems and Policy

About the School of Public Health

Ending health disparity, in Oregon and around the globe 

Two of Oregon’s leading universities have joined forces to educate the next generation of public health leaders, with a vision of ending health disparities in Oregon and around the globe. This unique collaboration combines the strengths of a world-class academic health center with the deep community involvement and diversity of the state’s urban research university. Our vision is to become the premier destination in Oregon for students of all backgrounds who want to enter the health field and improve lives in their communities.


Two universities, one mission: Better health for all 

Oregon Health & Science University is known internationally for groundbreaking and life-saving research in cancer and medicine. Portland State University is a national model for community engagement and academic innovation. Together, the two universities offer unmatched opportunity for students to learn in the classroom and in real-world settings. 

Access & Equity

A vision of health equity 

One of our top goals is to increase the number of underserved and historically marginalized students in the health field. This serves two purposes: to ensure a diverse student body and to enable students to help end health disparities by working in communities that lack access to health care. Part of our mission is to be an access university, taking pride in the number of students we accept, not how many we reject.


Research + engagement: The best of both worlds 

The deep community engagement of PSU faculty and biomedical research expertise at OHSU give students direct access to two distinct but connected areas of academic excellence. Graduates emerge with degrees endorsed by both universities in a field where demand is expected to grow rapidly. 

Expanding Role of Public Health 

Building healthy populations 

With a focus on healthy populations rather than individuals, public health seeks to understand the foundations and social determinants of health disparities and work to resolve them. Nutrition, maternal health, gun violence, immunizations, health literacy and homelessness are only some of the factors in ending health disparities. Populations can be as small as a local neighborhood or as big as an entire region of the world.  

Community Partnerships

Connecting with the community 

PSU and OHSU have an established network of local and regional partners, including clinics, governmental agencies and nonprofit agencies. This network offers students a wealth of opportunity for internships, hands-on learning and contacts for future employment. 


An affordable degree with excellent ROI

The cost of obtaining a degree from the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health is among the lowest in Oregon and far lower than similar degrees from private colleges. Graduates enter health fields that offer above-average salaries, along with opportunities to work anywhere in the world. 

Demand for Graduates

Boundless career opportunities

The health workforce is aging and retiring, raising the likelihood of a significant gap between demand and supply of health workers in the near future. Graduates can expect a robust career market.