Office of International Affairs

Ron L. Witczak, Executive Director

Karl Miller Center, 610D


The Office of International Affairs (OIA) provides support for international students, scholars and faculty, as well as PSU students and faculty who are planning to study, intern and teach abroad. OIA also houses Centers and Institutes which focus on specific geographic regions with the goal of promoting cultural understanding and engagement. In addition, OIA hosts Special Programs for international students visiting the U.S.

International Student and Scholar Services

Director: Christina Luther

Associate Director: Jill Townley
Assistant Director: Joshua Davis

Karl Miller Center, Suite 660 

International Student and Scholar Services staff work with admitted international students, visiting scholars, and international faculty. The office is a central source of information on the services and programs available to these groups. The office works closely with sponsoring agencies, diplomatic missions, and other government agencies to resolve academic, financial, immigration and adjustment issues.

Services and programs offered to international students, scholars and faculty include:

  • Intensive orientation programs for all incoming international students and faculty.
  • Immigration advising for students, visiting scholars, exchange students and scholars.
  • Administration of three scholarships specifically for international students.
  • A variety of educational and social events for international students and scholars with University and community groups, including a mentoring program which matches new international students with returning students.
  • Weekly or quarterly workshops on issues affecting internationals, such as insurance, work permission, taxes, etc.
  • A weekly International Coffee Hour open to all PSU students, staff, and faculty.
  • Advising for faculty and staff regarding the invitation and employment of international faculty.
  • Advising of international faculty (and their dependents) on regulations and procedures for maintaining legal status, travel, employment authorization, and other issues.

For more information about staff and services, please visit our websites: and

For information about international student admissions, contact the Office of Admissions at 503-725-3511 or

For information about English as a Second Language (ESL), contact the Intensive English Language Program, University Center Building Suite 400, 503-725-4088 or

Education Abroad

Director: Jen Hamlow

Karl Miller Center, 6th Floor

PSU supports the long-standing value that studying other cultures and places is an essential component of modern education. As a result of our commitment to internationalization, the Office of International Affairs sponsors a wide variety of education abroad programs for PSU students year-round. The University administers some of these programs directly, while others are conducted in cooperation with educational associations such as IE3 Global, the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), and the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC).

Advisors in Education Abroad provide guidance and assistance for students who seek to enrich their university education through education abroad. PSU offers over 200 programs in more than 80 countries. Because these programs offer residence credit and home campus registration, participating students who are eligible for financial aid at PSU may apply it, in most cases, to these study programs.

PSU has a long-standing tradition of working with faculty to develop a variety of short-term overseas experiences for students. The length of these programs ranges from ten days to six weeks, and they are offered throughout the academic year. PSU faculty members have taken students to countries all over the world, including China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain, and Vietnam.

We are currently working on a Curriculum Integration initiative to add education abroad within each academic major. The goal is to help all students see how they can earn credit in their major for studying abroad as an important part of their PSU educational experience.

Education Abroad opportunities are subject to change throughout the year. For the most current listing of programs available, please visit our website at, or come to our offices on the 6th floor of the Karl Miller Center.

International Special Programs

Director: Jeff Baffaro

Karl Miller Center, 630A


International Special Programs (ISP) provides non-credit short-term training and education programs for professional and student groups, custom-designed for specific international organizations/agencies/institutions, which draw on resources and expertise of PSU faculty and the Portland community to provide specialized instruction.

ISP provides administrative, logistical, and curricular support services to provide for a custom-designed group package experience which includes instruction, extra-/co-curricular activities, transportation, housing and meals. ISP hosts 30-35 groups a year. For more information visit our website at

International Partnerships

Director: Joyce Hamilla
Karl Miller Center, 630D 

Associate Director: Sally S. Mudiamu
Karl Miller Center, 630E

The Office of International Partnerships (OIP) is the focal point for all Portland State University international partnerships. PSU is committed to developing robust, multi-faceted partnerships that include transfer & pathway programs, study abroad at PSU, short-term special programs, education abroad for PSU students, alumni involvement, private sector engagements, and scholarly exchange. Linking these opportunities together under the umbrella of a single comprehensive partnership facilitates a rich international experience for PSU students and faculty. OIP manages 293 partnerships in 54 countries and serves as a bridge to connect PSU faculty and staff to international opportunities. OIP also provides robust cultural and institutional expertise to PSU faculty, staff, and international partners seeking to navigate the complex international university landscape.

Portland Center

Director: Sally S. Mudiamu
Karl Miller Center, 630E 

Office of International Affairs is launching the Portland Center starting Fall Term 2018, which will run programming and support for visiting, non-degree seeking international students at PSU. The Portland Center will collaborate closely with the Intensive English Language Institute to offer language and academic support to students from partner institutions wishing to take regular PSU undergraduate classes as part of their home baccalaureate degree. The program will accept students four times per year on a rolling admissions basis and assist students with housing, registration and student support. The Waseda Transnational Program, which has been running for nearly two decades at PSU, will be folded into the Portland Center from September 2018.  Sally Mudiamu will serve as Director, and the Portland Center will be housed in the Office of International Partnerships. Office of International Affairs is excited about offering this opportunity to institutional partners and their students. It will offer PSU an opportunity to more intentionally meet the needs of short-term visiting international students while simultaneously offering an opportunity to advance the internationalization of the PSU undergraduate curriculum by working collaboratively across units and schools to offer programming that showcases Portland.

Confucius Institute at PSU

Director: Jian Wang
Karl Miller Center, 660T

Associate Director: Jian Zhang
Karl Miller Center, 660T

The Confucius Institute at PSU (CIPSU) is a joint educational project of Portland State University and the Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). CIPSU seeks to promote a deeper understanding of Chinese language and culture in the greater Portland area and fosters mutually beneficial educational exchanges between the United States and China. CIPSU’s offerings include non-degree Chinese language and cultural courses for pre-K and K-12 school students, college and graduate students, as well as the general public and business, corporate and government employees. In addition, CIPSU offers Chinese language teacher professional development and training; Chinese proficiency HSK/YCT/BCT tests; academic programs and lecture series related to Chinese culture and contemporary China and scholarships for PSU and Oregon students. The Institute also organizes and hosts local, regional, national and international conferences, forums, symposiums and seminars.

CIPSU hosts visiting faculty from the PRC and has a Board of Directors drawn from the greater Portland area. The Board consists of professors from Portland State University and other educational institutions, as well as representatives from Portland-area businesses and individuals with a strong interest in China.  Dr. Eric Einspruch, Adjunct Professor at Portland State University, serves as the Board Chair.

CIPSU is an independently funded entity that reports to PSU’s Office of International Affairs.

Institute for Asian Studies

Director: Suwako Watanabe

Karl Miller Center, 6th Floor

The mission of the Institute is to contribute to the internationalization objectives of PSU by: promoting research, training, teaching, curricular development, and public awareness on all parts of Asia; collaborating with other units of the University, and with other educational organizations in Oregon, to promote better understanding of Asia, past and present; sponsoring conferences, speakers training programs, and other Asia-focused activities; and working with PSU administration and faculty to develop strategies for increasing the coherence and effectiveness of the University’s Asia programs and its profile in Asia.

Middle East Studies Center

Director: Lindsay Benstead, PhD

Outreach Coordinator: David M. Duke, II

Karl Miller Center, 660R



The mission of the Middle East Studies Center (MESC) is to serve our students, city, and world through the creation of a diverse, inclusive community and the promotion and sharing of scholarship on the Middle East, North Africa, and Southwest Asia. The Center started in 1959 as the first federally supported undergraduate program for Arabic language and Middle East area studies in the nation. Over the years, MESC expanded to include the major languages and other disciplines of the region. Today, Portland State’s Middle East studies curriculum includes foreign language courses in Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, and Turkish, as well as area studies courses in a number of disciplines. The Middle East studies program boasts a distinguished faculty and vast library resources. The Center serves as a resource on issues pertaining to the Middle East through activities that reach students and scholars, as well as businesses, educators, and the media. In addition, the Center supports academic conferences, workshops, cultural events, lectures, and a resource library.

The Center's core responsibilities are academic and outreach: to help sponsor conferences, speakers, training programs, and other relevant events and activities related to Middle East studies broadly defined. The Center further seeks to guide and train students who plan to make a career in this field. To support these initiatives, MESC closely works with academic and administrative units across campus. As an outgrowth of these core responsibilities, it also conducts outreach activities with local, national, and international educational and community organizations.

Please take a look at the various activities of our center on our web page and consider becoming a friend of MESC.

Fulbright Program

Director: Debra Z. Clemans
Assistant: Karin Waller

Karl Miller Center, Suite 610

Portland State participates in the International Educational Exchange Program authorized by the Fulbright-Hays Act. Awards available include those offered by the U.S. government, foreign governments, universities, and private donors. Grants are available to qualified undergraduate and graduate students and alumni for English teaching or advanced research, to qualified faculty for lecturing and research, and to teachers for overseas teacher programs.

Grants for Study, Research, or Teaching Abroad

Fulbright opportunities are announced annually on April 1 with submission deadlines in late Summer/early Fall. The annual deadline is September 8 for awards beginning the following academic year. Information sessions are held in Spring term. The director manages PSU’s campus interview process and assists applicants throughout the application cycle.

UK Summer Institutes for Undergraduates

Fulbright Summer Programs to the UK are available to undergraduate students with at least two years of study left to complete. Contact Debra Clemans to learn more. Deadlines occur in winter term. 

University Lecturing and/or Advanced Research

The Office of International Affairs provides information to faculty on grants for university lecturing or advanced research. The application deadline for many faculty and professional level programs is August 1 each year. Or contact Debra Clemans to learn about how to invite a scholar from overseas to study, teach, or do research in your department at Portland State University.

Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad

This Fulbright-Hays program provides grants to colleges and universities to fund individual doctoral students who conduct research in other countries, in modern foreign languages and area studies for periods of six to twelve months. Deadlines vary. Visit and contact Debra Clemans at if you decide to apply.

Boren Programs

David L. Boren Scholarships (NSEP)

Director: Debra Z. Clemans
Assistant: Karin Waller

Karl Miller Center, Suite 610

Scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students are available through this federally funded program for the purpose of helping more Americans learn the languages and cultures of countries and regions deemed critical to U.S. national security. It aims to build a base of future leaders and professionals who can help the United States make sound decisions, deal effectively with global issues, and to enhance and increase the faculty who can educate U.S. citizens toward achievement of these goals. This scholarship includes a service requirement once a student has completed his or her degree. Applications are due early in winter term each year. Interviews are held on the PSU campus prior to Boren deadlines. Those interested should contact the Boren director listed above for more information on requirements and application details. Information sessions are available during fall term.