Undergraduate programs

The undergraduate program in business administration adheres to the principle that in a free society the business enterprise must be responsibly and efficiently managed. The undergraduate degree program includes both business and non-business courses. The mission of the undergraduate program is to provide students with a broad understanding of business and to equip them with the dynamic skills required to work successfully in a complex and changing global environment.

Special emphasis options are available within the business administration major and are designed to prepare students for positions in accounting, business technology & analytics, advertising, finance, human resource management, management & leadership, marketing, and supply chain management.  Business minors include the general business minor, the business minor in social innovation, the property management minor, the business minor in advertising for graphic design majors, and the advertising minor for communications majors. Certificates in entrepreneurship, blockchain, food industry management, the athletic and outdoor industry, property management, international business, and social innovation & social entrepreneurship are also available. The School of Business offers study abroad opportunities at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The School of Business offers online business concentrations in Business Technology & Analytics, Management & Leadership, Human Resource Management or Supply & Logistics Management and a hybrid degree option for Accounting. 

Student Advising

Undergraduate academic and career advisors are located in the Karl Miller Center Suite 220. Students should plan to meet with their advisor at least twice a year to ensure that requirements are being met and to get assistance in their job search preparation.

The School of Business Web site, http://www.pdx.edu/sba, contains announcements concerning upcoming activities, scholarships, student organizations, internships, and career opportunities, policies, and other information vital to all business students.

Atmos Program 

As the largest and most diverse business school in Oregon, we believe diversity, cultural awareness, and the inclusion of all people is paramount for institutional impact an global change. We believe inclusion and excellence are not mutually exclusive. This belief motivates everything we do.  The Atmos program supports diverse and underrepresented minority business students of color and is a promise of academic and community support to help create an avenue for a brighter future. 



Degree Maps and Learning Outcomes

Admission requirements

Business Administration B.A./B.S.

Business Administration Minor

Business Minor in Social Innovation

Business Minor in Real Estate Property Management

Business Minor in Advertising for Graphic Design Majors

Advertising Minor for Communications Majors

Admission requirements

Students may declare business administration as their major field of study at any time after admission to Portland State University. However, students must formally join The School of Business before they are allowed to enroll in almost all 200-, 300- or 400-level business administration courses or to graduate with a business administration degree.

To join The School of Business, students must be formally admitted to Portland State University and fill out the School's opt-In form available on https://www.pdx.edu/sba/opt-in

Prerequisite Business Requirements


BA 101Introduction to Business and World Affairs


BA 205Business Communications Using Technology


BA 211Fundamentals of Financial Accounting


BA 213Decision Making with Accounting Information


Ec 201Principles of Microeconomics


Ec 202Principles of Macroeconomics


Stat 241Application of Statistics for Business



Stat 243Introduction to Probability and Statistics I


Comm 220Public Speaking


Wr 121College Writing



Freshman Inquiry

BA 101: (waived for post-baccalaureate students)

BA 205: (waived for post-baccalaureate students)

Students can submit the SBA opt-in form anytime during the term, it is available online at https://www.pdx.edu/sba/opt-in.

Undergraduate Academic Standing Policy

A minimum Portland State University cumulative GPA of 2.50 and a minimum GPA of 2.50 in business administration courses taken at Portland State University are required to remain in good standing as a business administration student and for graduation with a degree in business administration. Details on the School of Business Academic Standing Policy can be found online at https://www.pdx.edu/sba/academic-standing-policy

PSU Academic Dismissal

If a student who has been admitted to the School of Business is academically dismissed by the University, that student will automatically lose School of Business admitted status. If a student who has lost admitted status desires to complete degree requirements for programs in the School of Business, that student must reapply. At the time of reapplication the student must meet the required 2.50 PSU and PSU School of Business GPA requirement.