2023-2024 Bulletin
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College of the Arts
The School of Business
College of Education
Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science
Graduate School Programs
University Honors College
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
OHSU-PSU School of Public Health
School of Social Work
College of Urban and Public Affairs
Actg - Accounting
Age - Aging/Gerontology
Anth - Anthropology
Ar - Arabic
Arch - Architecture
ArH - Art History
Art - Art
ASc - Arts & Sciences
ASL - American Sign Language
BA - Business Administration
BBE - Bilingual Bicultural Ed
Bi - Biology
BSt - Black Studies
BSTA - Biostatistics
BTA - Business Technology & Analytics
CCJ - Criminology & Criminal Justice
CE - Civil & Environmental Engineering
CFS - Child & Family Studies
Ch - Chemistry
ChLa - Chicano-Latino
Chn - Chinese
CI - Curriculum & Instruction
Comm - Communication
COTA - College of the Arts
Coun - Counseling
CPH - Community & Public Health
CR - Conflict Resolution
CS - Computer Science
D - Dance
Des - Design
EAS - Engineering & Applied Science
Ec - Economics
ECE - Elect and Computer Engineering
ECED - Early Childhood Education & Development
Ed - Education
EE-Electrical Engineering
ELP - Educational Ldrshp & Policy
EMCR - Emergency Management
Eng - English
EnvE - Environmental Engineering
EPI - Epidemiology
ESHH - Environmental Systems and Human Health
ESM - Environmental Sci & Mgmt
ESR - Environmental Sciences & Res
ETM - Engineering Management
FILM - Film
Fin - Finance
Finn - Finnish
FPA - Fine and Performing Arts
Fr - French
G - Geology
Geog - Geography
Ger - Germanic Languages
Grk - Greek
GRN-Gender Race and Nations
GSCM - Global Supply Chain Management
Heb - Hebrew
Hon - University Honors Program
HSMP - Health Systems Management and Policy
Hst - History
Hum - Humanities
IELP - Intensive English Language Program
Intl - International Studies
ISQA - Infor Systems & Quant Analysis
ISt - Interdisciplin St
It - Italian
ITP - Initial Teacher Preparation
Jpn - Japanese
JSt - Judaic Studies
Kor - Korean
Lat - Latin
Lib - Library
Ling - Applied Linguistics
ME - Mechanical Engineering
Mgmt - Management
MIM - Master of Intl Mgt
Mktg - Marketing
MSE - Materials Science Engineering
MS - Military Science
MTax - Taxation
Mth - Mathematical Sciences
MuEd - Music Education
Mup - Applied Music
Mus - Music
NAS - Indigenous Nations Studies
Norw - Norwegian
OMSE - Software Engineering
OSEA - Overseas Programs
PA - Public Administration
PAH - Public Administration: Health
PE - Physical Education
Per - Persian
Ph - Physics
PHE - Public Health Education
Phl - Philosophy
PHP - Public Health Practice
PIAA - Pacific Islander and Asian American Studies
Port - Portuguese
PS - Political Science
Psy - Psychology
RE - Real Estate
Rus - Russian
Sci - Science Ed: Center for
Sci 311U
Sci 312U
Sci 313U
Sci 314U
Sci 315U
Sci 316U
Sci 317U
Sci 318U
Sci 319U
Sci 320U
Sci 321U
Sci 322U
Sci 325U
Sci 327U
Sci 331U
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Sci 333U
Sci 334U
Sci 335U
Sci 336U
Sci 338U
Sci 341L
Sci 341U
Sci 342L
Sci 342U
Sci 343U
Sci 345U
Sci 346U
Sci 347U
Sci 348U
Sci 350U
Sci 351U
Sci 352U
Sci 353U
Sci 354U
Sci 355U
Sci 356U
Sci 357U
Sci 359U
Sci 361U
Sci 365U
Sci 367U
Sci 368U
Sci 369U
Sci 382U
Sci 383U
Sci 384
Sci 399
Sci 399U
Sc - Science: General
Soc - Sociology
Span - Spanish
SpEd - Special Education
SpHr - Speech & Hearing Sci
SSc - Social Science: General
Stat - Statistics
Swah - Swahili
Swed - Swedish
SW - Social Work
SySc - Systems Science
SysE - Systems Engineering
TA - Theater Arts
Tur - Turkish
ULib - Library Research
UnSt - University Studies
UPA-Urban and Public Affairs
USP - Urban Studies & Planning
WLL - World Languages & Literature
Wr - Writing
WS - Women's Studies
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2023-2024 Bulletin
Sci - Science Ed: Center for
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Sci 311U Teaching Everyday Science
Sci 312U Teaching Everyday Science
Sci 313U Environmental Mathematical Modeling
Sci 314U Environmental Statistics
Sci 315U General Astronomy I
Sci 316U General Astronomy II
Sci 317U Fractals, Chaos, and Complexity
Sci 318U Complexity and the Universe I
Sci 319U Complexity and the Universe II
Sci 320U Rates of Change
Sci 321U Energy and Society I
Sci 322U Energy and Society II
Sci 325U Science of a Hydrogen Economy
Sci 327U Oceans and Society
Sci 331U AI: Urban Air Pollution
Sci 332U AI: Urban AirPollution
Sci 333U Climate and Water Resources
Sci 334U Climate Variability and Change
Sci 335U Water in the Environment I
Sci 336U Water in the Environment II
Sci 338U Investigating Forest Ecosystems
Sci 341L Lab for Bi 341
Sci 341U Biology Concepts and Applications I
Sci 342L Lab for Sci 342
Sci 342U Biology Concepts and Applications II
Sci 343U Columbia Basin Plant Communities
Sci 345U Old Growth Forest Ecology and Management I
Sci 346U Old Growth Forest Ecology and Management II
Sci 347U Science, Gender, and Social Context I
Sci 348U Science, Gender, and Social Context II
Sci 350U Context of Science in Society
Sci 351U Northwest Wetlands: Conservation, Restoration, and Mitigation
Sci 352U Science and Policy of Climate Change
Sci 353U Radiation in the Environment
Sci 354U Science and Politics of Columbia River Decisions
Sci 355U Science Through Science Fiction
Sci 356U Environmental Success Stories
Sci 357U Sustainability in the United States-Mexico Border Region
Sci 359U Biopolitics
Sci 361U Science: Power-Knowledge
Sci 365U The Science of Gendered Bodies
Sci 367U STEM Research: Solving Today's Problems
Sci 368U Green Roof Ecology
Sci 369U Green Roof Monitoring and Ecodesign
Sci 382U Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Sci 383U Nanotechnology: Simulation & Design
Sci 384 From Contemporary Nanoscience Towards Sustainable Nanotechnologies
Sci 399 Special Studies
Sci 399U Special Studies