Graduate programs

The Department of Chemistry offers graduate work leading to the following degrees: Master of Arts or Master of Science; Ph.D. in Chemistry.

The M.S. program is designed for the student who wishes to pursue a career as a professional chemist or a scientist in other allied disciplines. The program involves work in advanced courses with training in research techniques. An integral part of the program is the individual research project and thesis.

The M.A. program is designed for the student who wishes to obtain an advanced degree in chemistry, but for whom the time commitment of a traditional research degree (M.S.) is not feasible, this program involves advanced coursework and a literature project.

The program leading to the Ph.D. in Chemistry combines original research with advanced coursework in various disciplines of chemistry. Research foci in the department are biological chemistry, materials chemistry, and environmental chemistry. Students that complete the program are prepared to pursue careers in academic, industrial, or government research.

Admission Requirements

Chemistry M.A.

Chemistry M.S.

Chemistry Ph.D.

Chemistry Ph.D.

The PhD in Chemistry consists of a combination of coursework, research, and dissertation (an experimental or theoretical research project resulting in an original contribution to chemical knowledge). Candidates must complete a minimum of 81 approved graduate credits.

24 credits of formal graduate instruction must be chosen from substantive classes at the graduate level (CH 501-509 and CH 601-609 may not be applied to this requirement). Included in the required 24 credits of coursework, all students must complete a one term Scientific Communication course.

Each candidate for the Ph.D. degree in chemistry must complete the comprehensive examination, a prospectus examination and an original program of research.  In addition candidates will present a research seminar to the department in their fourth year in residence. The culminating experience of the PhD is the preparation and defense of a dissertation.  Further details of all requirements are outlined in the Department of Chemistry’s Graduate Student Handbook.

Students need to complete (on their own timeline):

  • A minimum of 81 graduate-level credits, including the following courses:
  • 24 credits of substantive coursework (graduate level: 510/610+) - up to 8 credits of which may be "approved" graduate-level classes outside Chemistry (e.g. Physics, Biology, System Science)
  • CH 610: Scientific Communication (1st year) – included in the 24 credits of graduate coursework
  • CH 601: Research (research credits are normally accrued in every term that the student is in the program)
  • CH 507: Seminar Presentation (4th year)
  • 27 credits of CH 603: Dissertation