Chicanx/Latinx Studies

150 Parkmill (PKM)


  • B.A./B.S. in Chicanx/Latinx Studies
  • Minor in Chicanx/Latinx Studies
  • Certificate in Chicanx/Latinx Studies

Chicanx/Latinx Studies (CHLA) is devoted to the exploration and analysis of the histories, politics, experiences, and cultures of Chicanx/Latinx populations in the United States. CHLA seeks to explore Chicanx/Latinx experiences through an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach to center the lived experiences and the production of knowledge of Chicanx/Latinx communities. Faculty examine how race, ethnicity, language, sexuality, gender, and other social identities intersect in Chicanx/Latinx communities and within the larger U.S. landscape. At its core, CHLA employs a decolonial, anti-racist, anti-sexist, framework to challenge centuries of white supremacy, settler colonialism, and other systems of oppression that have impacted how Chicanx/Latinx communities live, work, create, and thrive.

Graduates with a degree, minor, or certificate in Chicanx/Latinx studies will have augmented their major field of study by broadening their scope of knowledge. They will have gained important insight into a very different culture within U.S. borders. This increased awareness and insight will lead to successful interaction on many levels of society. Graduates also will be better prepared to enter the workforce with its rapidly changing demographics.

Degree Maps and Learning Outcomes

Admission requirements

Chicanx/Latinx Studies B.A./B.S.

Chicanx/Latinx Studies minor

Chicanx/Latinx Studies Certificate

Chicano Latino Courses

Chicanx/Latinx Studies B.A./B.S.

The B.A./B.S. in Chicanx/Latinx Studies has a 52 credit requirement. In addition to meeting the general University degree requirements for completing a B.A. or B.S., candidates enrolled in the Chicanx/Latinx Studies major must meet the 52-credit minimum. At least 24 of the total 52 credits required for the major must be taken in residence at Portland State University. Students interested in declaring a major in Chicanx/Latinx Studies should see the program undergraduate advisor or the program director for assistance with Chicanx/Latinx Studies course selection.

24 credits of core courses:

ChLa 201Introduction to Chicano/Latino Studies


ChLa 301UChicano/Latino Communities


ChLa 302USurvey of Chicano/Latino Literature


ChLa 303UChicana/Latina Experience



ChLa 305Latinx Youth Cultures



ChLa 360Bilingualism in U.S. Latinx Communities





Span 301Third-year Spanish



Span 301HThird-year Spanish Heritage





Span 302Third-year Spanish



Span 302HThird-year Spanish Heritage


It is recommended that students completing a B.A. take Span 301/Span 301H and Span 302/Span 302H.

28 credits of upper division electives:

Two 400-level courses in ChLa


20 credits of any 300- and 400-level course with the prefix ChLa, BSt, NAS, WS, and GRN


Total Credit Hours: 52