Undergraduate Program

Students of history, through investigation of the past, gain skills and perspectives that foster a better understanding of the world and their place in it. The study of history contributes to the goals of a liberal arts education by enabling students to gain a deep appreciation of the diversity of human experience over time. Through the study of history, students learn how to interpret their own experience and to shape their own values by engaging in dialogues with the past. The study of history also nurtures the ability to view the world from multiple perspectives, including interdisciplinary ones. Finally, history provides the foundation for informed participation in both the local and the global community by teaching how to apply critical thinking skills to solving problems. The study of history offers excellent training for a variety of occupations, from teaching to law, government, business, and the arts.

The Department of History encourages active engagement in historical inquiry, whether at the introductory survey level, in seminars, or in community-based learning. Active engagement requires students to learn how to master basic knowledge, ask historical questions, access and evaluate information, and communicate what they have learned in both written and oral forms. Helping students master the use of a variety of sources and tools to unlock the past is a goal of all history courses.

The combined expertise of faculty in the Department of History encompasses a diversity of fields ranging from Oregon and the Pacific Northwest to World History. The department offers lower-division surveys in World History and U.S. history, but the gateway course for the major is Hst 300 Historical Imagination, which provides an introduction to the discipline—both the theory and practice—of history. Upper-division offerings include a wide range of subject areas, from the Ancient Near East to American Family History. Reading seminars (Hst 491) and research seminars (Hst 492) on specialized topics—such as medieval Spain or Japanese nationalism—provide the opportunity for majors to write a substantial research paper and to participate in intensive reading and discussion of topics. Hst 490 Comparative World History—a thematic course—is required for the major to ensure that students develop the ability to frame what they know in a world historical context and to apply comparative analysis to important historical topics. Advising is critical, because majors are encouraged to develop their own thematic, chronological, or geographical focus through their choice of upper-division elective courses.

In line with the University’s mission as an urban, public institution, the Department of History supports internships and partnerships with the Oregon Historical Society and other local and regional museums, archives, and historical societies and offers training in public history. All faculty consider both teaching and research, along with community service, to be part of their responsibilities as members of the Department of History. The creation of knowledge, as well as its dissemination through teaching and publication, is a vital part of the department’s mission.

Degree Maps and Learning Outcomes

Admission requirements

History B.A./B.S.

History Honors Option

History Minor

World History Minor

Science, Technology, and Society Interdisciplinary Minor

Minor in Medieval and Early Modern Studies

BA or BS Plus MA

BA or BS Plus MA

Program Specific Admission requirements

Undergraduates interested in the B+M program must meet the following admission requirements at the time of the application deadline, 1 May.

  • Requirements for admission into the B+M program:

    • minimum 3.3 GPA in all classes

    • minimum 3.5 GPA in History courses

    • completion of no less than 120 credits credits by 1 May

    • Completion of HST 300 and at least one HST 400-level course by 1 May

  • Strongly Recommend for admission into the B+M program:

    • Completion of MA second language competency requirement or a clear plan to do so as part of their program

Program Specific Continuation Requirements:

Once admitted into the B+M program students must meet the following requirements in order to transition directly from the Bachelor’s to the Master’s program:

  • completion of at least three 500 level courses in the student’s final year of the Bachelor’s degree, one of which must be HST 500 in fall term. 

  • students must maintain an institutional undergraduate GPA of 3.30 or higher throughout their bachelor’s program and earn a B grade or higher in all graduate courses. 

  • resolve incompletes within one term.

  • while being admitted into the B+M program and completing the BA degree guarantees admission into the MA program, students must still formally apply to the MA program via Slate by the regular 1 February deadline.

  • students must complete their Bachelor’s degree by 31 August in the year after they are admitted to the B+M program in order to matriculate into the MA program.

Program Application Procedures

  • By 1 May students must submit the following materials via the application form:

    • Statement of Purpose (approximately 500 words) describing your specific area(s) of interest in history, your preparation for advanced study in the chosen field(s), and your reasons for pursuing a Master’s degree. Your statement should also address your language preparation, especially if you intend to pursue a field where a specific language is necessary. 

    • writing samples totaling 10 pages, ideally from a 400 level class

    • the names of two PSU History faculty members who will write recommendation letters for you. 

    • your transcripts