K-12 Teacher Preparation

Portland State University educates prospective K-12 teachers in the College of Education, through the Licensure in Elementary Education Program (LEEP), Graduate Teacher Education Program (GTEP) and the Special Educator Program (SPED). The Special Educator Program prepares teacher candidates to work as Special Education Teachers in Pre-K through grade 12 settings and results in the teacher candidate receiving the Oregon Preliminary Teaching License with added Special Education Generalist Endorsement and option to complete the MA or MS in Special Education. The Graduate Teacher Education Program (GTEP) prepares teacher candidates to work as content area teachers in grades 6-12 and results in a master’s degree and recommendation for the Oregon Preliminary Teaching License with added Content Area Endorsement. The Licensure in Elementary Education Program (LEEP) prepares teacher candidates to work as elementary teachers and results in a bachelor’s or master’s degree and recommendation for the Oregon Preliminary Teaching License with Elementary Endorsement and English for Speakers of Other Languages endorsement.

Undergraduates at Portland State University may prepare for competitive admissions by consulting with appropriate advisers, by achieving high academic standards in the recommended and required courses for a specialization, and in courses in liberal arts, and by documenting successful experience with children in public schools.