Graduate programs

Graduate Coordinator: S. Carlson 

The School of Music & Theater offers graduate work in music leading to the degrees of Master of Music (M.M.) in Performance, Master of Music (M.M.) in Conducting, Master of Music (M.M.) in Jazz Studies, as well as a Master of Arts in Music (M.A.) and a Master of Science in Music (M.S.). The M.A./M.S. degrees are general master’s degrees in music. Graduate students in music may also pursue recommendation for standard teaching certification. This curriculum differentiates between specialists in vocal music and instrumental music, but candidates in both areas complete a core of required courses.

Admission requirements

Music M.A./M.S. Program

Master of Music M.M. Program

Graduate Certificate in Music Performance

Admission requirements

For admission to graduate study the student must hold a bachelor’s degree representing a course of study equivalent to that pursued by PSU undergraduates in music.

Students applying to the M.A./M.S. programs must complete an interview and submit one of the following as part of their application process:

  1. History Paper
  2. Theory Paper, descriptive analysis or composition.
  3. Audition Performance demonstrating mastery at the MUP 490 level.
  4. Teaching Certificate.

Students applying to the M.M. in Performance/Conducting/Jazz Studies must complete an interview and audition. See the School of Music & Theater's website at for specific area requirements.

All Masters Programs

In addition to meeting the general requirements for admission to graduate study in the University, each student must successfully take the music placement examination prepared by and administered in the School of Music & Theater. The placement examination must be passed or the recommended review course must be passed with a grade of B or better before a student may enroll in a graduate history or theory course. All courses used to satisfy graduate requirements, whether taken in the School or elsewhere, must be graded B or above.