
Admitted graduate students who fail to enroll for credits for three consecutive terms (excluding summer) must submit a Graduate Re-Enrollment Request to their department. If this request is supported by their department, the form is signed and forwarded to the Graduate School for processing.

To ensure timely registration, the completed Graduate Re-Enrollment Request should be received by the Graduate School no later than three weeks prior to the start of the term the student wishes to re-enroll.

Per Executive Order 13607, students who are re-enrolling after an interruption due to military service can re-enroll in the same program, with the same enrollment status and the same academic standing, which they had when the military service began if they wish. The period of military service and an additional period of up to three years (limited to five years total), may be excluded from standard University time limits. Students must notify the Graduate School that they are returning from military services (and present appropriate documentation) so that the possible impact on time limits can be identified.