Undergraduate programs

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers programs in electrical and computer engineering. Cooperative educational arrangements with Portland-area industries, government agencies, and engineering consulting offices are available to qualified students. Qualified freshmen are encouraged to participate in the University Honors Program. Qualified upper-division students should consider the Electrical and Computer Engineering departmental honors track as described below.

The Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and the Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s) and Similarly Named Engineering Program Criteria.

Degree Maps and Learning Outcomes

Program Educational Objectives

Admission requirements

Degree requirements

Electrical Engineering B.S.

Electrical Engineering Minor

Computer Engineering B.S.

Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering Honors track

Fast Track BS+MS Program

Degree requirements

General Education requirements

The MCECS General Education requirements for engineering students can be met in one of the following ways:

  1. Students who complete their entire program at Portland State University meet the requirement by taking 39 credits of University Studies. (15 credits Freshmen Inquiry, 12 credits Sophomore Inquiry, and 12 credits Upper-division Cluster.)

  2. Transfer students meet the requirement by having Wr 121Z, Comm 111Z, and 39 credits as a combination of University Studies courses and liberal arts/social science transfer credits. (At a minimum the 12 credit upper-division cluster must be taken at PSU. Please contact ECE departmental adviser for details of this requirement.)

  3. Courses specifically required in a program must be taken on a graded basis unless those classes are only available with a pass/no-pass grading option. Classes not specifically identified by a unique number, for example an upper-division cluster class, may be taken on a P/NP basis.

GPA requirements

In order to graduate, electrical engineering and computer engineering students must have an overall GPA, which includes all courses taken at PSU, greater than 2.00. Their major GPA must be greater than 2.00. Major GPA includes all of the engineering courses used toward satisfying the degree requirements, whether taken at PSU or transferred. Normal PSU policies apply for grade replacement in major GPA calculation. If at any point either of these GPAs falls below 2.00 students will be placed on probation, as explained in the Continuation Criteria section above.