Undergraduate Degree and Credential Requirements

To earn a baccalaureate degree a student must complete (1) University requirements, (2) University Studies - General Education requirements, (3) University Writing Requirement, (4) Race & Ethnic Studies Requirement, (5) specific requirements for the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Applied Science Degree, (6) requirements for a major, and (7) Second Language competency if admitted with a High School Second Language Deficiency. Students earning a single major in Liberal Studies, or completing the Urban Honors program do not need to meet the University Studies General Education requirements.

Students bear final responsibility for ensuring that the courses taken are applicable toward satisfying their degree requirements.

1. General University Requirements: GPA, Credits, and Limitations

2. University Studies (General Education Requirement)

3. University Writing Requirement

4. Race & Ethnic Studies Requirement (RESR)

5. Requirements for Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science Degrees

6. Major Requirements

7. High School Foreign Language Admission Deficiency

Catalog Eligibility and Degree Requirements

Double Major

Concurrent Degrees


Undergraduate Certificates

3. University Writing Requirement

Students must complete 2 college-level composition courses or their approved equivalents. The requirement may be satisfied in one of the following ways:

  • Students admitted to PSU as freshmen (0-29 transfer credits) meet the requirement by completing the first two years of University Studies or Urban Honors College (both approved equivalents of composition courses);
  • Students admitted to PSU having earned 30-89 transfer credits meet the requirement with Wr 121Z (required for transfer admission) and the requisite number of Sophomore Inquiry courses determined by placement into University Studies or HON 201, 202, 203;
  • Students admitted having earned 90 or more transfer credits have four options for meeting the requirement:
    • Transfer into PSU with an approved equivalent of Wr 121Z plus one approved composition course for which Wr 121Z (or its approved equivalent) is a pre-requisite;
    • Transfer into PSU with two approved composition courses for which Wr 121Z (or its approved equivalent) is a pre-requisite;
    • Complete Wr 121Z plus an additional course from the following PSU course list: Wr 200, Wr 222, Wr 227Z, Wr 228, Wr 300, Wr 301, Wr 323, Wr 327, Wr 333, Wr 394, Wr 400, Wr 420 or a 4-credit Writing Intensive Course (WIC). Composition writing courses transferred into PSU may also be considered.
    • Complete any two courses from the PSU list above.

For information about Writing Intensive Courses or for questions about approved equivalents for composition courses, please email the English Department at eng@pdx.edu.