Ar 414 Advanced Classical Arabic: Prose

Introduction to the history of Arabic prose (7th – 18th century AD); reading selected advanced texts from classic literary works of major authors such as Ibn al-Muqaffa’ "al-adab al-kabir" (The Grand Literature); al-Jahiz "al-bukhla’" (The Misers); al-Isfahani "kitab al-aghani" (The Book of Arabic Songs", Ibn ‘Adiy "tahdhib al-akhlaq" (The Reformation of Morals) and Ibn ‘Abd Rabbuh "al-‘iqd al-farid" (The Unique Necklace); translating texts and writing literary reviews in Arabic. Also offered for graduate-level credit as Ar 514 and may be taken only once for credit.




Prerequisites: Ar 412/512 or consent of instructor.