2016-2017 Bulletin
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Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
OHSU-PSU School of Public Health
School of Social Work
College of Urban and Public Affairs
Actg - Accounting
Anth - Anthropology
Ar - Arabic
Arch - Architecture
ArH - Art History
Art - Art
ASc - Arts & Sciences
ASL - American Sign Language
BA - Business Administration
Bi - Biology
BSt - Black Studies
CCJ - Criminology & Criminal Justice
CE - Civil Engineering
CFS - Child & Family Studies
Ch - Chemistry
ChLa - Chicano-Latino
Chn - Chinese
CI - Curriculum & Instruction
Comm - Communication
Coun - Counseling
CR - Conflict Resolution
CS - Computer Science
Dane - Danish
D - Dance
EAS - Engineering & Applied Science
Ec - Economics
ECE - Elect and Computer Engineering
Ed - Education
EE-Electrical Engineering
ELP - Educational Ldrshp & Policy
Eng - English
ESM - Environmental Sci & Mgmt
ESR - Environmental Sciences & Res
ETM - Engineering Management
FILM - Film
Fin - Finance
Finn - Finnish
FPA - Fine and Performing Arts
Fr - French
Geog - Geography
Ger - Germanic Languages
G - Geology
Grk - Greek
GRN-Gender Race and Nations
GSCM - Global Supply Chain Management
Heb - Hebrew
Hon - University Honors Program
HSMP - Health Systems Management and Policy
Hst - History
Hum - Humanities
Intl - International Studies
ISQA - Infor Systems & Quant Analysis
ISt - Interdisciplin St
It - Italian
ITP - Initial Teacher Preparation
Jpn - Japanese
JSt - Judaic Studies
Kor - Korean
Lat - Latin
Lib - Library
Ling - Applied Linguistics
ME - Mechanical Engineering
Mgmt - Management
MGrk - Modern Greek
MIM - Master of Intl Mgt
Mktg - Marketing
MSE - Materials Science Engineering
MS - Military Science
MTax - Taxation
Mth - Mathematical Sciences
MuEd - Music Education
Mup - Applied Music
Mus - Music
NAS - Indigenous Nations Studies
Norw - Norwegian
OMSE - Software Engineering
PAH - Public Administration: Health
PA - Public Administration
PE - Physical Education
Per - Persian
PHE - Public Health Education
Phl - Philosophy
Ph - Physics
Port - Portuguese
PS - Political Science
Psy - Psychology
RE - Real Estate
RSt - Religious Studies
Rus - Russian
Sci - Science Ed: Center for
Sc - Science: General
Soc - Sociology
Span - Spanish
SpEd - Special Education
SpHr - Speech & Hearing Sci
SSc - Social Science: General
Stat - Statistics
Swah - Swahili
Swed - Swedish
SW - Social Work
SySc - Systems Science
SysE - Systems Engineering
TA - Theater Arts
Tur - Turkish
ULib - Library Research
UnSt - University Studies
UPA-Urban and Public Affairs
USP - Urban Studies & Planning
WLL - World Languages & Literature
Wr - Writing
WS - Womens Studies
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> SW - Social Work
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SW - Social Work
SW 301U Introduction to Social Work
SW 320U Introduction to Child Welfare
SW 339 Introduction to Oppression and Privilege
SW 340 Advocacy for Policy Change
SW 341 Social Justice Practice
SW 350 Human Behavior Through the Lifespan
SW 351 Beginning Generalist Practice
SW 384U Addictions and Recovery: Impact on Families and Communities
SW 399 Special Studies
SW 399U Special Studies
SW 400 Field Placement and Seminar I-III
SW 401 Research
SW 402 Independent Study
SW 404 Intenship
SW 405 Reading and Conference
SW 407 Seminar
SW 409 Practicum
SW 410 Selected Topics
SW 410U Selected Topics
SW 430 Generalist Practice with Groups
SW 431 Generalist Practice with Individuals and Families
SW 432 Generalist Practice with Communities and Organizations
SW 441 Psychobiology for Social Workers
SW 447 Social Work and Sustainability
SW 450 Social Work Research and Evaluation I
SW 451 Social Work Research and Evaluation II
SW 460 Senior Integrative Portfolio
SW 465 Introduction to Indian Child Welfare and the Indian Child Welfare Act
SW 501 Research
SW 502 Laboratory
SW 503 Thesis I, II III
SW 504 Cooperative Education/Internship
SW 505 Reading and Conference
SW 506 Special Problems
SW 507 Seminar
SW 508 Workshop
SW 510 Selected Topics
SW 511 Foundation Field Placement and Seminar
SW 512 Advanced Field Placement
SW 513 Research Methods for Social Work Advanced Standing Students
SW 514 Cultural and Spanish Language Immersion for Social Workers Costa Rica
SW 515 Skills for the Helping Process - Groups
SW 516 Motivational Interviewing
SW 517 Health Across the Lifespan I
SW 518 Health Across the Lifespan II
SW 519 Health Across the Lifespan III
SW 520 Social Welfare History and Policy
SW 521 Advanced Anti-Oppressive Practice
SW 523 Health Care Policies and Programs
SW 524 Community Organization
SW 525 Poverty: Policies and Programs
SW 526 Applied Ethics and Law in Social Work Practice
SW 528 Facilitation of Multi-disciplinary/Care Coordination Team Meetings
SW 529 International Mental Health Policy
SW 530 Skills for the Helping Process – Individuals and Families
SW 532 Advocacy and Empowerment
SW 533 Clinical Social Work Practice I
SW 534 Clinical Social Work Practice II
SW 535 Clinical Social Work Practice III
SW 539 Diversity and Social Justice
SW 540 Human Development Through the Lifespan
SW 541 Societal, Community and Organizational Structures and Processes
SW 542 Social Work in Native American Communities
SW 543 The African American Family: Multigenerational Trauma and Issues of Violence
SW 544 Mid-Life and Beyond
SW 545 Advanced Human Behavior in the Social Environment
SW 547 Social Work and Sustainability
SW 549 Spirituality in Social Work Practice
SW 550 Research and Evaluaton I
SW 551 Research and Evaluation II
SW 553 Racial Disparities
SW 555 Social Work Perspectives on Mental Health Disorders
SW 556 Advanced Clinical Practice in Integrated Health Care
SW 558 Abuse and Trauma: Theory and Intervention
SW 559 Community and Organization Research
SW 560 Understanding and Working with LGBT Populations in Social Work
SW 561 Clinical Social Work with Groups
SW 562 Social Work with Grief and Loss
SW 563 Social Work with Children, Adolescents, and Their Families
SW 564 Social Work in Schools
SW 566 Social Work Practice in Child Welfare
SW 567 Evidence Based Interventions for Community Mental Health Practice
SW 568 Community Mental Health Seminar
SW 569 Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care
SW 571 Substance Use, Abuse and Addiction and Social Work Practice
SW 574 Social Work with Frail Older Adults
SW 575 Multicultural Social Justice Work in Action
SW 578 Social Work in the Juvenile and Criminal Justice Systems
SW 579 Working with Involuntary Clients
SW 583 Empowerment Approaches with Transition-Age Youth with Mental Health Needs
SW 584 Intimate Partner Violence
SW 585 Fund Development and Grant Writing
SW 586 Children, Youth and Families I
SW 587 Children, Youth, and Families II
SW 588 Children, youth, and families III
SW 589 Advanced Standing Seminar
SW 590 Advanced Topics in Applied Research Methods for Social Work
SW 591 Child & Adolescent Behavior & Development in the Social Environment: Advanced Theory & Research
SW 593 Practice and Leadership with Communities and Organizations I
SW 594 Practice and Leadership with Communities and Organizations II
SW 595 Practice and Leadership with Communities and Organizations III
SW 601 Research
SW 602 Independent Study
SW 603 Dissertation
SW 605 Reading and Conference
SW 607 Seminar
SW 610 Selected Topics
SW 620 Substantive Area Conceptualization
SW 621 Social Problem Analysis: Intervention Phase
SW 622 Substantive Area Investigation
SW 625 Poverty: Policies and Programs
SW 626 Teaching and Learning in Health Promotion & Social Work
SW 629 International Mental Health Policy
SW 630 Philosophy of Science for Social Sciences
SW 631 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods in Social Work
SW 632 Quantitative Data Analysis in Social Work Research
SW 633 Qualitative Research I: Critical Research Frames and Beginning Practices
SW 634 Quantitative Data Analysis in Social Work Research II
SW 635 Qualitative Research II: Collecting Data for Interpretive & Constructivist Research
SW 637 Qualitative Research Methods for Social Inquiry
SW 640 Research Practicum and Seminar
SW 644 Mid-Life and Beyond
SW 645 Advanced Human Behavior in the Social Environment
SW 650 History of Social Work Profession/al
SW 651 Integrative Writing Seminar
SW 653 PhD Data Analysis Seminar
SW 660 Ph.D. Seminar – First Year
SW 661 Ph.D. Seminar – Second Year
SW 678 Social Work in the Juvenile and Criminal Justice Systems
SW 690 Teaching Practicum and Seminar
SW 700 Postbaccalaureate Professional Development