2016-2017 Bulletin
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Actg - Accounting
Anth - Anthropology
Ar - Arabic
Arch - Architecture
ArH - Art History
Art - Art
ASc - Arts & Sciences
ASL - American Sign Language
BA - Business Administration
Bi - Biology
BSt - Black Studies
CCJ - Criminology & Criminal Justice
CE - Civil Engineering
CFS - Child & Family Studies
Ch - Chemistry
ChLa - Chicano-Latino
Chn - Chinese
CI - Curriculum & Instruction
Comm - Communication
Coun - Counseling
CR - Conflict Resolution
CS - Computer Science
Dane - Danish
D - Dance
EAS - Engineering & Applied Science
Ec - Economics
ECE - Elect and Computer Engineering
Ed - Education
EE-Electrical Engineering
ELP - Educational Ldrshp & Policy
Eng - English
ESM - Environmental Sci & Mgmt
ESR - Environmental Sciences & Res
ETM - Engineering Management
FILM - Film
Fin - Finance
Finn - Finnish
FPA - Fine and Performing Arts
Fr - French
Geog - Geography
Ger - Germanic Languages
G - Geology
Grk - Greek
GRN-Gender Race and Nations
GSCM - Global Supply Chain Management
Heb - Hebrew
Hon - University Honors Program
HSMP - Health Systems Management and Policy
Hst - History
Hum - Humanities
Intl - International Studies
ISQA - Infor Systems & Quant Analysis
ISt - Interdisciplin St
It - Italian
ITP - Initial Teacher Preparation
Jpn - Japanese
JSt - Judaic Studies
Kor - Korean
Lat - Latin
Lib - Library
Ling - Applied Linguistics
ME - Mechanical Engineering
Mgmt - Management
MGrk - Modern Greek
MIM - Master of Intl Mgt
Mktg - Marketing
MSE - Materials Science Engineering
MS - Military Science
MTax - Taxation
Mth - Mathematical Sciences
MuEd - Music Education
Mup - Applied Music
Mus - Music
NAS - Indigenous Nations Studies
Norw - Norwegian
OMSE - Software Engineering
PAH - Public Administration: Health
PA - Public Administration
PE - Physical Education
Per - Persian
PHE - Public Health Education
Phl - Philosophy
Ph - Physics
Port - Portuguese
PS - Political Science
Psy - Psychology
RE - Real Estate
RSt - Religious Studies
Rus - Russian
Sci - Science Ed: Center for
Sc - Science: General
Soc - Sociology
Span - Spanish
SpEd - Special Education
SpHr - Speech & Hearing Sci
SSc - Social Science: General
Stat - Statistics
Swah - Swahili
Swed - Swedish
SW - Social Work
SySc - Systems Science
SysE - Systems Engineering
TA - Theater Arts
Tur - Turkish
ULib - Library Research
UnSt - University Studies
UPA-Urban and Public Affairs
USP - Urban Studies & Planning
WLL - World Languages & Literature
Wr - Writing
WS - Womens Studies
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2016-2017 Bulletin
> Mus - Music
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Mus - Music
Mus 047 Final Project
Mus 101 Basic Materials of Music
Mus 102 Basic Materials of Music
Mus 103 Basic Materials of Music
Mus 105 Introduction to Music Theory
Mus 106 Aural Skills
Mus 111 Music Theory I
Mus 112 Music Theory I
Mus 113 Music Theory I
Mus 114 Sight-Singing/Ear Training
Mus 115 Sight-Singing/Ear Training
Mus 116 Sight-Singing/Ear Training
Mus 125 Guitar Workshop
Mus 126 Guitar Workshop
Mus 127 Guitar Workshop
Mus 128 Recording Live Sound
Mus 129 Desktop Music Production
Mus 174 Introduction to Music Technology
Mus 185 Guitar Orchestra
Mus 187 Yoga, Relaxation and Flexibility for Musicians
Mus 188 Performance Attendance
Mus 189 Repertoire Study
Mus 191 Class Instruction
Mus 192 Class Instruction
Mus 193 Class Instruction
Mus 194 Chamber Music
Mus 195 Band
Mus 196 Orchestra
Mus 197 Chorus
Mus 198 Jazz Lab Band
Mus 199 Special Studies
Mus 200 Musical Instruments
Mus 201 Introduction to Music
Mus 202 Introduction to Music
Mus 203 Music in the Western World
Mus 204 Body Mapping for Musicians
Mus 205 Listening I
Mus 206 Listening II
Mus 211 Music Theory II
Mus 212 Music Theory II
Mus 213 Music Theory II
Mus 214 Sight Singing and Ear Training
Mus 215 Sight Singing and Ear Training
Mus 216 Sight Singing and Ear Training
Mus 228 Sound Design
Mus 229 Recording Theory
Mus 231 Survey of Popular Music Since 1950
Mus 232 Music and Style
Mus 233 Music Notation
Mus 235 Wind and Percussion Instruments
Mus 236 Wind and Percussion Instruments
Mus 240 Composition I
Mus 241 Composition I
Mus 242 Composition I
Mus 261 History of Rock Music
Mus 262 History of Rock Music
Mus 271 Jazz Improvisation
Mus 272 Jazz Improvisation
Mus 273 Jazz Improvisation
Mus 274 Introduction to World Music
Mus 291 Advanced Class Piano
Mus 292 Advanced Class Piano
Mus 293 Advanced Class Piano
Mus 301U Survey of Music Literature I
Mus 302U Survey of Music Literature II
Mus 304 Music History
Mus 305 Music History
Mus 306 Music History
Mus 311 Formal Analysis
Mus 312 Orchestration
Mus 313 Counterpoint
Mus 316 Harmonic and Structural Analysis
Mus 319 Choral Arranging
Mus 320 Fundamentals of Conducting
Mus 321 Instrumental Conducting
Mus 322 Choral Conducting
Mus 325 Guitar Workshop
Mus 326 Guitar Workshop
Mus 327 Guitar Workshop
Mus 332 String Instruments and Vocal Techniques
Mus 334 Vocal and Guitar Techniques
Mus 351 Accompanying
Mus 355U Jazz History
Mus 356U Jazz And American Culture: How History Shaped Our Music, Then and Now
Mus 360U The Guitar: its History and Music
Mus 361U History of Rock Music
Mus 362U History of Rock Music
Mus 363U The Music of the Beatles
Mus 364U Modern Music Technology
Mus 365U Film Music
Mus 374U World Music
Mus 375U World Music
Mus 376U American Musical Traditions
Mus 377 World Music: Latin America and the Caribbean
Mus 381 Music Fundamentals
Mus 385 Guitar Orchestra
Mus 389 Repertoire Study
Mus 394 Chamber Music
Mus 395 Band
Mus 396 Orchestra
Mus 397 Chorus
Mus 398 Jazz Lab Band
Mus 399 Special Studies
Mus 47 Final Project
Mus 401 Research
Mus 404 Cooperative Education/Internship
Mus 405 Reading and Conference
Mus 406 Special Projects
Mus 407 Seminar
Mus 407U Seminar
Mus 408 Workshop
Mus 409 Practicum
Mus 410 Selected Topics
Mus 410U Selected Topics
Mus 411 Topics in Music History
Mus 421 Analysis of Contemporary Music
Mus 422 Analytical Techniques
Mus 424 Instrumental Jazz Arranging
Mus 425 Instrumental Jazz Arranging
Mus 426 Instrumental Jazz Arranging
Mus 427 Opera Workshop
Mus 428 Opera Production
Mus 430 Song Literature
Mus 431 Chamber Music Literature
Mus 432 Band Wind Literature
Mus 433 Orchestral Literature
Mus 434 Choral Literature
Mus 436 Opera Literature
Mus 437 Keyboard Literature
Mus 438 Keyboard Literature
Mus 439 Instrumental Literature
Mus 446 Coordinate Movement Master Class
Mus 447 Coordinate Movement Master Class
Mus 448 Coordinate Movement Master Class
Mus 452 Advanced Keyboard Skills
Mus 471 Advanced Jazz Improvisation
Mus 472 Advanced Jazz Improvisation
Mus 473 Advanced Jazz Improvisation
Mus 474 Midi Applications
Mus 475 Midi Applications
Mus 476 Computer Music Composition
Mus 481 Pedagogy
Mus 482 Pedagogy
Mus 483 Pedagogy
Mus 484 Music with Children
Mus 485 Diction for Singers: Italian, German, and French
Mus 486 Diction for Singers: Italian, German, and French
Mus 487 Diction for Singers: Italian, German, and French
Mus 501 Research
Mus 502 Independent Study
Mus 503 Thesis
Mus 504 Cooperative Education/Internship
Mus 505 Reading and Conference
Mus 506 Graduate Project or Recital
Mus 507 Seminar
Mus 508 Workshop
Mus 509 Practicum
Mus 510 Selected Topics
Mus 511 Music Research Methods
Mus 512 Graduate Theory Review
Mus 513 Score Reading
Mus 517 Advanced Harmony
Mus 518 Advanced Harmony
Mus 519 Advanced Harmony
Mus 520 Analytical Techniques
Mus 521 Advanced Band Arranging
Mus 522 Advanced Orchestral Arranging
Mus 523 Advanced Choral Arranging
Mus 524 Instrumental Jazz Arranging
Mus 525 Instrumental Jazz Arranging
Mus 526 Instrumental Jazz Arranging
Mus 527 Opera Workshop
Mus 528 Opera Production
Mus 529 Grad History Review
Mus 530 Song Literature
Mus 531 Chamber Music Literature
Mus 532 Band Wind Literature
Mus 533 Orchestral Literature
Mus 534 Choral Literature
Mus 536 Opera Literature
Mus 537 Keyboard Literature
Mus 538 Keyboard Literature
Mus 539 Instrumental Literature
Mus 540 Jazz Literature
Mus 541 Advanced Conducting Methods
Mus 542 Advanced Choral Conducting
Mus 543 Advanced Instrumental Conducting
Mus 546 Coordinate Movement Master Class
Mus 547 Coordinate Movement Master Class
Mus 548 Coordinate Movement Master Class
Mus 560 Music History: The Medieval Period
Mus 561 Music History: The Renaissance Period
Mus 562 Music History: The Baroque Period
Mus 563 Music History: The Classical Period
Mus 564 Music History: The Romantic Period
Mus 565 Music History: Early 20th Century
Mus 566 Music History: Music Since 1950
Mus 567 Jazz History
Mus 571 Advanced Jazz Improvisation
Mus 572 Advanced Jazz Improvisation
Mus 573 Advanced Jazz Improvisation
Mus 574 Midi Applications
Mus 575 Midi Applications
Mus 581 Pedagogy
Mus 582 Pedagogy
Mus 583 Pedagogy
Mus 584 Music with Children
Mus 585 Diction for Singers: Italian, German, and French
Mus 586 Diction for Singers: Italian, German, and French
Mus 587 Diction for Singers: Italian, German, and French
Mus 588 Advanced Choral Methods
Mus 594 Chamber Music
Mus 595 Band
Mus 596 Orchestra
Mus 597 Chorus
Mus 598 Jazz Lab Band