Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

150 Parkmill (PKM)

1633 SW Park Ave.



  • B.A., B.S.—Women's Studies
  • B.A., B.S.—Sexuality, Gender, and Queer Studies
  • Minor in Women's Studies
  • Minor in Sexuality, Gender, and Queer Studies
  • Postbaccalaureate Certificate in Women's Studies

In the School of Gender, Race and Nations, the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies offers an interdisciplinary program designed to foster students’ personal and intellectual development and to prepare them for socially responsible citizenship as well as a broad range of careers. Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies advisers work closely with each student to craft a course of study appropriate to the student’s academic interests and post-graduate goals.

An expanding field of scholarship, women, gender, and sexuality studies is on the cutting edge of educational and intellectual innovation. The department offers two different majors: the Women's Studies major, and the Sexuality, Gender, and Queer Studies major. The Women's Studies major encourages students to develop critical thinking skills and an appreciation for the range of theoretical frameworks and methodologies present in contemporary feminist scholarship. Courses incorporate the diversity of women’s experience with attention to race, class, and sexual orientation as well as gender. Core courses also encourage students’ active participation through discussion, informal as well as formal writing, and collaborative learning in the classroom.

The major in Sexuality, Gender, and Queer Studies (SGQS) is designed to provide an in-depth study of sexual desire, sexual behavior and identity, gendered behavior, gender identity, and the sexed body as socially, culturally, and historically produced. The core curriculum emphasizes queer and trans of color theorizing and critiques including queer indigenous, Two-Spirit, and transnational perspectives; critical analysis of the relationships between sexuality and other power formations such as gender, race, class, nation, ability, nature, citizenship, age, and size; historical contexts and contemporary connections among rigorous theoretical, activist, political, and practice-oriented approaches; and an interdisciplinary, queer, and decolonial approach to analyses of the creative arts, humanities, and health and social sciences.

Experiential learning plays an important role in a student’s progress through the women, gender, and sexuality studies curriculum. The program’s extensive and long-established ties with organizations in the metro area provide wide-ranging opportunities for students to apply their classroom knowledge in a community setting. Many students discover a life’s vocation through these experiences, and all develop new skills. Guidelines for women, gender, and sexuality studies practica and independent study are flexible in order to meet individual needs. Degrees in Women's Studies and Sexuality, Gender, and Queer Studies provide the foundations for life-long learning as well as background and experience for careers in teaching, counseling and social work, business, law, health sciences, public administration, public relations, and academia.

Degree Maps and Learning Outcomes

Admission requirements

Women’s Studies B.A./B.S.

Sexuality, Gender, and Queer Studies B.A./B.S.

Women's Studies Minor

Sexuality, Gender, and Queer Studies Minor

Women’s Studies Post-Baccalaureate Certificate

Women Gender Sexuality Courses

Sexuality, Gender, and Queer Studies B.A./B.S.*

*This program is effective Fall 2017 pending approval by the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission.

In addition to meeting the general University degree requirements, the student majoring in Sexuality, Gender, and Queer Studies must complete a required core program of 36 credits and 20 credits of approved WS electives (with a minimum of 16 upper-division credits) for a total of 56 credits to complete the major. 

Each student pursuing a Sexuality, Gender, and Queer Studies major will select or be assigned an adviser who is knowledgeable in the student's area(s) of academic interest.

Required Courses

The major in Sexuality, Gender, and Queer Studies (SGQS) is 56 credits. Those credits are divided as follows:

Core Courses (28 credits)

UnSt 231Gender & Sexualities



WS 332URace, Class, Gender, and Sexuality in the United States



WS 360UIntroduction to Queer Studies


WS 370UHistory of Sexualities


WS 381Queer of Color Theorizing and Perspectives


WS 412Feminist Methodologies


WS 415Senior Seminar


WS 482Topics in Transnational Sexuality Studies


Experiential Learning Requirements (8 credits)

WS 409Practicum


WS 411Experiential Learning Seminar


Electives (20 credits)

20 credits of which 4 credits may be lower-division.

WS 308ULesbian Literature


WS 308UMasculinities


WS 308UGender, Class, Culture


WS 372U/Eng 372UTopics in Literature, Gender, and Sexuality


WS 375UTopics in Sexuality Studies


WS 382UTransgender Studies


WS 481Disability and Intersectionality


Anth 432Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective


BSt 342UBlack Feminism/Womanism


CFS 340UQueer Families


CFS 390USex and the Family


Comm 337UCommunication and Gender


Comm 452/WS 452Gender and Race in the Media


PHE 335UHuman Sexuality


PHE 453Women's Reproductive Health


Phl 369UPhilosophy of Sex and Love


Psy 431UPsychology of Men and Masculinities


Soc 344UGender and Sexualities


WLL 349Forbidden Love


Other variable and special topic courses with a focus on sexuality may count as electives (e.g., FILM 370U Queer Cinema or Eng 494 Queer Theory); in these instances consult with a SGQS advisor for approval.

The minimum grade allowed to pass major requirements will be 1.7 C-. The only major requirement with a P/NP grading option is WS 409