
In Oregon, a system of multiple measures is used to determine the status of program completers, who can then be recommended to the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TPSC) for licensure. One component of this system requires the educator to pass a basic skills test, subject matter tests, and a civil rights knowledge test. For information on Oregon testing requirements please refer to the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission website.

Because passing tests is required for program completion in Oregon, the state pass rate is 100%. Those who do not pass the required tests are not considered program completers and are not eligible for licensure recommendation.

Elementary Mathematics Instructional Leader Specialization

Graduate Teacher Education Program

Inclusive Elementary Educator Program (IEEP)

Secondary Dual Educator Program (SDEP)

International Teacher Education Program

Bilingual Teacher Pathway (BTP) Program

Initial K-12 Teaching License in Library Media


ESOL/Bilingual endorsement

Library Media Endorsement

Educational Administration

Literacy Education/Reading Endorsement

School Counseling Licensing

Special Education Licensure Programs

Special Educator Initial License Program

Added Special Educator Endorsement (AddSPED)

Visually Impaired Learner Initial License or Endorsement Program

Early Intervention Special Education Initial License or Endorsement Program

Continuing Education Graduate School of Education (CE/ED)

Elementary Mathematics Instructional Leader Specialization

The Elementary Mathematics Instructional Leader (EMIL) Program in the Graduate School of Education consists of seven graduate mathematics content, pedagogy, and leadership courses and a practicum specifically designed for teachers who desire deepening their mathematics content knowledge, mathematics pedagogical knowledge, and leadership knowledge and skills based on the Standards for Elementary Mathematics Specialists: A Reference for Teacher Credentialing and Degree Programs (Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, 2010, 2013). Upon successful completion of this program, a Graduate Certificate is awarded. If desired, the graduate credit received can also be applied toward an M.A., M.S., or Ed. D. in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the Graduate School of Education.

The goals of the EMIL Program are to offer a comprehensive mathematics education program that:

  • Deepens mathematical content knowledge including the specialized knowledge needed for teaching mathematics and the development of mathematical ideas across the grades.

  • Attends to both content and pedagogy and the ways that teaching supports the learning of content.
  • Develops expertise in using and helping others use effective instructional practices centered on students’ mathematical thinking.
  • Increases ability to support school and district efforts that help all preK-6 students learn important mathematics.


The 24-hour program consists of the following mathematics content, pedagogy, and leadership courses and a supervised mathematics leadership practicum (3 cr.):

Mathematics Content-Focused Methods Courses

(choose five of the seven)
CI 511Examining Base Ten Numeration and Operations


CI 512Examining Operations with Whole Numbers and Fractions


CI 513Enhancing Algebraic Thinking: Generalization about Operations


CI 514Enhancing Algebraic Thinking: Patterns and Functions


CI 515Developing Geometric Thinking and Concepts


CI 516Exploring Measurement Concepts


CI 517Developing Concepts of Data Analysis


Advanced Mathematics Methods Course

CI 518Implementing Mathematics Reform


Mathematics Leadership Focused Courses

CI 519Mathematics Leadership: Influencing and Facilitating Improvement


CI 509Mathematics Leadership Practicum


For more information see:


If you also complete the TSPC application materials and earn passing scores your program portfolio, we will recommend you for the Elementary Mathematics Instructional Leader Specialization for your Oregon License.