Undergraduate programs

The Department of World Languages and Literatures offers undergraduate major programs in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish; minor programs in the above languages and in Italian, Persian, Turkish, and Classical Studies; and instruction in the above languages, as well as in American Sign Language, Ancient Greek, Modern Hebrew, Italian, Korean, Latin, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swahili, Swedish, and Vietnamese. Other languages may be offered from time to time.

Degree Maps and Learning Outcomes

Admission requirements

World Language B.A.

World Language Minor

Classical Studies Minor

Certificate of Advanced Proficiency in Russian (CAPR)

Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language (TJFL) Certificate

Foreign Language Secondary Education Program

Arabic Major

Chinese Major

French Major

German Major

Japanese Major

Russian Major

Spanish Major

Admission requirements

Admission to the department is based on general admission to the University.  See Admissions Requirements for more information.


Students with prior experience in French, German, or Spanish are required to take an online placement examination. You may access the test under “Advising” at www.pdx.edu/wll.
Students of Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Modern Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Swahili, Swedish, or Turkish may contact the Department of World Languages and Literatures for placement advising.


The language sequences 101, 102, 103 (or 150, 151) and 201, 202, 203 must be taken in order. Students who have earned credit in a higher-level language course will not receive credit for any lower numbered course or the equivalent CLEP exam. This restriction also applies to transfer credits and Credit by Exam.

Native speakers (defined as students whose formal secondary education was completed in the foreign language) may not register for first- through fourth-year language courses in their native language.  They may register for courses that are taught in English.