2018-2019 Bulletin
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Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
OHSU-PSU School of Public Health
School of Social Work
College of Urban and Public Affairs
Actg - Accounting
Age - Aging/Gerontology
Anth - Anthropology
Ar - Arabic
Arch - Architecture
ArH - Art History
Art - Art
ASc - Arts & Sciences
ASL - American Sign Language
BA - Business Administration
BBE - Bilingual Bicultural Ed
Bi - Biology
BSt - Black Studies
Bsta - Biostatistics
CCJ - Criminology & Criminal Justice
CE - Civil & Environmental Engineering
CFS - Child & Family Studies
Ch - Chemistry
ChLa - Chicano-Latino
Chn - Chinese
CI - Curriculum & Instruction
Comm - Communication
Coun - Counseling
CPH - Community & Public Health
CR - Conflict Resolution
CS - Computer Science
Dane - Danish
D - Dance
EAS - Engineering & Applied Science
Ec - Economics
ECE - Elect and Computer Engineering
Ed - Education
EE-Electrical Engineering
ELP - Educational Ldrshp & Policy
EMCR - Emergency Management
Eng - English
EnvE - Environmental Engineering
EPI - Epidemiology
ESHH - Environmental Systems and Human Health
ESM - Environmental Sci & Mgmt
ESR - Environmental Sciences & Res
ETM - Engineering Management
FILM - Film
Fin - Finance
Finn - Finnish
FPA - Fine and Performing Arts
Fr - French
Geog - Geography
Ger - Germanic Languages
G - Geology
G 401
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G 491
G 492
G 499
Grk - Greek
GRN-Gender Race and Nations
GSCM - Global Supply Chain Management
Heb - Hebrew
Hon - University Honors Program
HSMP - Health Systems Management and Policy
Hst - History
Hum - Humanities
Intl - International Studies
ISQA - Infor Systems & Quant Analysis
ISt - Interdisciplin St
It - Italian
ITP - Initial Teacher Preparation
Jpn - Japanese
JSt - Judaic Studies
Kor - Korean
Lat - Latin
Lib - Library
Ling - Applied Linguistics
ME - Mechanical Engineering
Mgmt - Management
MGrk - Modern Greek
MIM - Master of Intl Mgt
Mktg - Marketing
MSE - Materials Science Engineering
MS - Military Science
MTax - Taxation
Mth - Mathematical Sciences
MuEd - Music Education
Mup - Applied Music
Mus - Music
NAS - Indigenous Nations Studies
Norw - Norwegian
OMSE - Software Engineering
OSEA - Overseas Programs
PA - Public Administration
PAH - Public Administration: Health
PE - Physical Education
Per - Persian
Ph - Physics
PHE - Public Health Education
Phl - Philosophy
PHP - Public Health Practice
Port - Portuguese
PS - Political Science
Psy - Psychology
RE - Real Estate
Rus - Russian
Sci - Science Ed: Center for
Sc - Science: General
Soc - Sociology
Span - Spanish
SpEd - Special Education
SpHr - Speech & Hearing Sci
SSc - Social Science: General
Stat - Statistics
Swah - Swahili
Swed - Swedish
SW - Social Work
SySc - Systems Science
SysE - Systems Engineering
TA - Theater Arts
Tur - Turkish
ULib - Library Research
UnSt - University Studies
UPA-Urban and Public Affairs
USP - Urban Studies & Planning
WLL - World Languages & Literature
Wr - Writing
WS - Women's Studies
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2018-2019 Bulletin
G - Geology
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G 401 Research
G 402 Independent Study
G 403 Thesis
G 404 Cooperative Education/Internship
G 405 Reading and Conference
G 406 Special Projects
G 407 Seminar
G 410 Selected Topics
G 410L Geophysics Lab
G 410U Selected Topics
G 420 Applied Geophysics
G 420L Applied Geophysics Lab
G 423 Statistics and Data Analysis in the Geosciences
G 423L Lab for G 423
G 424 Geographical Information Systems for the Natural Sciences
G 424L Lab for G 424
G 425 Field GIS
G 430 Life of the Past
G 434 Structural Geology and Tectonics
G 434L Structural Geology Lab
G 435 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
G 435L Lab for G 435
G 436 Sensors and Instrumentation
G 437 Analytical Methods
G 437L Analytical Methods Lab
G 438 Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Sciences
G 439 Powder X-ray Diffraction
G 440 Volcanology
G 440L Volcanology Lab
G 442 Igneous Petrogenesis
G 442L Igneous Petrogenesis Lab
G 443 Ground Water Geology
G 444 Well Dynamics
G 445 Geochemistry
G 446 Meteorites
G 447 Environmental Sediment Transport
G 448 Chemical Hydrogeology
G 448L Lab for G 448
G 450 Earth and Space Sciences for Middle/High School Educators
G 453 Geology of the Pacific Northwest
G 454 Cascade Volcanoes
G 455 Environmental Coastal Geomorphology
G 456 Astrogeology
G 456L Lab for G 456
G 458 Astrobiology
G 459 Quaternary Climate
G 459L Quaternary Climate Lab
G 460 Soil Geomorphology
G 460L Soil Geomorphology Lab
G 461 Environmental Geology
G 461L Environmental Geology Lab
G 462 Hillslope Materials and Processes
G 462L Lab for G 462
G 464 The Cryosphere
G 464L The Cryosphere Lab
G 465 Glacial Geomorphology
G 466 Glaciology
G 466L Lab for G 466
G 470 Engineering Geology
G 470L Lab for G 470
G 474L Geomorphic Processes Lab
G 475 Introduction to Seismology and Site Evaluation
G 477 Earthquake Accommodation and Design
G 480 Basin Analysis
G 481 Field Geology
G 484 Field Geophysics
G 485 Geologic Mapping
G 485L Lab for G 485
G 491 Physical Processes in Geology
G 492 Topics in Geodynamics
G 499 Special Studies