Undergraduate programs

The Economics undergraduate programs are designed to be flexible to accommodate a variety of student needs. Economics majors are encouraged to contact the department undergraduate advisor for assistance with planning an individualized program of study. Students interested in pursuing a graduate degree would best position themselves with a major in Quantitative Economics. All majors should meet with advisors as soon as possible in order to tailor their progress.

Degree Maps and Learning Outcomes

Admission requirements

Economics B.A./B.S.

Business Economics B.A./B.S.

Quantitative Economics BS

Economics Honors Program

Economics Minor

International Economics Minor

Political Economy Minor

Institutional Economics Undergraduate Certificate

Economics B.A./B.S.


The BA and BS in Economics serve as the core of a liberal arts program and provide the fundamentals of economic analysis for students seeking careers in corporate business, government, and non-profit sectors.

In addition to meeting general university degree requirements, students must satisfy the following departmental requirements:

Economics Core

Ec 201Principles of Microeconomics


Ec 202Principles of Macroeconomics


Ec 311Microeconomic Theory



Ec 415Microeconomic Theory with Calculus


Ec 312Macroeconomic Theory


Total Credit Hours:16

One of the following

Ec 427Cost-Benefit Analysis


Ec 456American Economic History: Colonial Era to 1900


Ec 457American Economic History: the 20th Century


Ec 460History of Economic Thought


Ec 469Applied Econometrics


Total Credit Hours:4

Economics Electives (28 credits)

Up to 12 credits may be below EC 410; 16-28 credits must be numbered Ec 410 and above.

Ec 380 may be used to satisfy the requirement for courses numbered EC 410 and above.

EC 415 cannot be used as an economics elective.

Total Credit Hours:28

Mathematics and Statistics

Mth 251Calculus I


Stat 243ZElementary Statistics I


Stat 244Introduction to Probability and Statistics II


Total Credit Hours:12

Total Credit Hours: 60

Majors must take a minimum of 24 credits of upper division (300 and above) coursework in residence from this department and must maintain at least a 2.00 grade point average in work completed in this department.

All courses used to satisfy the departmental major requirements, whether taken in the department or elsewhere, must be taken for a letter grade and must be graded C- or above. Ec 403 Honors Thesis cannot be used to satisfy the requirements for the major in economics. Up to 4 credits of Ec 418 may be counted as upper division credit in the major.