2024-2025 Bulletin
2024-2025 Bulletin > College of Urban and Public Affairs > Economics > Undergraduate programs > Institutional Economics Undergraduate Certificate
Institutional Economics focuses on the relationship between economic outcomes and the evolving structure and organization of society. Students completing the Certificate in Institutional Economics will deepen their understanding of how institutions within the economy contribute to economics outcomes. The Certificate in Institutional Economics program welcomes the wisdom that (i) currently enrolled undergraduate students, (ii) postgraduate students, and (iii) members of the broader community bring to the classroom. For students who are majoring in Economics or Quantitative Economics, the certificate requires the completion of an additional 16 credits of approved elective courses (i.e. electives included in the Certificate in Institutional Economics do not count towards the Economics major.)
Student may propose up to two alternative electives courses, inside or outside the Economics Department. Alternative electives will contribute to the understanding of economic institutions and meet the educational and career goals of the student.
Elective Courses not Subject to Program Director Approval:
Total Credit Hours: 28