Undergraduate programs

The undergraduate program in business administration adheres to the principle that in a free society the business enterprise must be responsibly and efficiently managed. The undergraduate degree program includes both business and non-business courses. The mission of the undergraduate program is to provide students with a broad understanding of business and to equip them with the dynamic skills required to work successfully in a complex and changing global environment.

Special emphasis options are available within the business administration major and are designed to prepare students for positions in accounting, advertising, finance, human resource management, management & leadership, marketing, and supply chain management.  A business minor is available for all non-business majors as is the advertising minor for graphic design or communications majors. Certificates in entrepreneurship, food industry management, the athletic and outdoor industry, international business, and social innovation & social entrepreneurship are also available. The School of Business offers study abroad opportunities at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The School of Business offers online business concentrations in Management & Leadership, Human Resource Management or Supply & Logistics Management. 

Student advising

Undergraduate academic and career advisors are located in the Karl Miller Center Suite 220. Students should make appointments with their advisor at least twice a year to ensure that requirements are being met and to discuss their career plans.

The School of Business Web site, http://www.pdx.edu/sba, contains announcements concerning upcoming activities, scholarships, policies, and other information vital to all business students. Information about student organizations, internships, and career opportunities can also be found there.

Degree Maps and Learning Outcomes

Admission requirements

Business Administration B.A./B.S.

Business Administration Minor

Advertising Management Minor for Graphic Design Majors

Advertising Minor for Communications Majors

Business Administration B.A./B.S.

Requirements for major

In addition to meeting the general University requirements, the student in business administration must take at least 82 credits in business administration courses of which at least 41 must be taken at PSU. This total will include the business core (50 credit hours if taken at Portland State), at least one option area (20-36 credits, depending on option chosen), and enough business electives to meet the minimum of 82 credits in business. Each student in business must also take at least 90 credits outside the School of Business. A minimum of 180 credits is required for graduation.

Prerequisite policy

Prerequisites are strictly enforced in the School of Business and exceptions are not made. Before enrolling in any business course, students should read the course description and must complete any prerequisites that are listed. If a student completes a course before completing the prerequisite and later completes the prerequisite, credit for the prerequisite will not count toward 82 credits required in business. The instructor and/or School's Administration have the authority to administratively drop any student who has not completed the prerequisites. Students must successfully complete the prerequisite course with a C- or better.

Second Degree Students

Second degree (post-baccalaureate) students need to meet the requirements for their major. In addition, post-baccalaureate students must request a review of their first degree to determine if they have met the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science requirements. This can be done by emailing their business advisor with the request for a first degree evaluation. Post-baccalaureate students should also meet with an advisor to determine if any of their previous course work counts towards the business major requirements and to plan out their curriculum and to discuss career resources.


Business administration students must complete the following courses with a C- or better:

Business specialization options

(see descriptions below)

Total Credit Hours:20-36

Core courses

BA 101Introduction to Business and World Affairs


BA 205Business Communications Using Technology


BA 211Fundamentals of Financial Accounting


BA 213Decision Making with Accounting Information


BA 301Research and Analysis of Business Problems


BA 302Organizational Behavior


BA 303Business Finance


BA 311Marketing Management


BA 325Competing with Information Technology


BA 339Operations and Quality Management


BA 385Business Environment


BA 495Business Strategy


Total Credit Hours:50

Business Concentrations

The School of Business offers concentrations for those students seeking specialization in a subject area. Each student must select one of these concentrations and complete the required courses with a C- or better. Concentration requirements are satisfied by taking 20 to 36 upper-division credits beyond the required business core. The courses specified to satisfy the concentration requirements are:


Objective: to enable students to acquire the necessary technical and professional skills for successful careers in public, management, or governmental accounting.

Actg 335Accounting Information Systems and Analytic Fundamentals


Actg 360Management Accounting


Actg 381Financial Accounting and Reporting I


Actg 382Financial Accounting and Reporting II


Actg 383Financial Accounting and Reporting III


Actg 421Introduction to Taxation


Actg 430Governmental Accounting


Actg 492Auditing Concepts and Practices


Actg 495Integrated Accounting Issues


One upper-division accounting course to be chosen from:

Actg 422Advanced Taxation


Actg 445Forensic Accounting


Actg 460Advanced Managerial Accounting


Actg 485Business Law


Actg 490Advanced Financial Accounting


Actg 493Advanced Auditing


Total Credit Hours:36

Students electing accounting as a concentration will also be required to take:

Phl 308UElementary Ethics



Phl 309UBusiness Ethics



PS 101United States Government


PS 102United States Politics



Anthropology, psychology, or sociology


Advertising Management

Objective: to provide the knowledge and skills necessary for students to create and execute advertising strategy within the broader context of the marketing function.

Mktg 340UAdvertising


Mktg 363Consumer Behavior and Customer Satisfaction


Mktg 441Media Strategy


Mktg 442Creative Strategy


Mktg 443Advertising Campaigns


Mktg 460Marketing Research


Total Credit Hours:24

Note: Students who wish to complete a double concentration in advertising management and marketing cannot apply more than eight common MKTG elective credits to each concentration.


Objective: to provide undergraduate students with the educational foundation and exposure to the broad field of finance, enabling them to develop their financial decision making skills so that they can be successful as finance professionals in their chosen financial career path.

Actg 381Financial Accounting and Reporting I


Fin 319Intermediate Financial Management


Fin 352Investments


Fin 441Fundamentals of Derivative Securities


Fin 449Valuation


Fin 456International Financial Management


Fin 465Finance Topics and Cases


Total Credit Hours:28

Human Resource Management

Objective: to provide a conceptual framework, as well as the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities, that allow students to understand what is required to more effectively manage human resources within an organization.

Mgmt 351Human Resource Management


Mgmt 461Reward Systems and Performance Management


Mgmt 471Staffing and Employee Selection


Mgmt 493Human Resource Strategy


Upper-division management courses


Total Credit Hours:20

Note: Students who wish to complete a double concentration in management & leadership and human resource management cannot apply more than eight common credits to each concentration.

Management and Leadership

Objective: to provide requisite knowledge and skills which enable the student to meet the challenges of leadership and managerial responsibilities.

Mgmt 351Human Resource Management


Mgmt 428Team Processes


Mgmt 445Organizational Design and Change


Mgmt 464Contemporary Leadership Issues


Upper-division management courses




Total Credit Hours:24

Of the 8 credits of electives, four credits must be taken within the management area at the 400 level.

The final four credits can be either: within the management area at the 400 level or from an approved list of courses.

Note: Students who wish to complete a double concentration in management and leadership and human resource management cannot apply more than eight common credits to each concentration.


Objective: To provide students with a strong academic foundation in marketing and to enable students to gain the strategic, technical, and professional skills necessary for career success.

Mktg 363Consumer Behavior and Customer Satisfaction


Mktg 460Marketing Research


Mktg 464Marketing Strategy and Management


Track courses or marketing electives: (16 credits)

Students are encouraged to complete 8 of their 16 elective credits from one of the following specialized tracks, or they may choose 16 credits of marketing electives, of the total elective marketing credits, 8 credits must be at the 400 level. Mktg 404 credit may not be used to satisfy marketing option area requirementsNote: Students who wish to complete a double option in marketing and advertising management cannot apply more than eight common MKTG elective credits to each option.

Food and consumer package goods marketing track:
Mktg 375Retailing


Mktg 435Consumer Package Goods Marketing


Global marketing management track:
Mktg 376International Business


Mktg 466Principles of International Marketing


Upper-division Marketing Electives
Upper-division marketing elective(s)


Total Credit Hours:28

Note: Students who wish to complete a double option in marketing and advertising management cannot apply more than eight common MKTG elective credits to each option.

Supply and Logistics Management

Objective: to provide students with an interdisciplinary foundation in supply chain management in preparation for careers in purchasing, industrial distribution, logistics, transportation, and operations management.

GSCM 439Global Sourcing and Negotiation


GSCM 479Global Supply Chain Strategy and Sustainability Management


Three of the following electives as approved by supply and logistics management faculty:

ISQA 430Industrial Transportation and Freight


ISQA 431Transportation Regulation


GSCM 440Governmental Procurement


ISQA 449Process Control and Improvement


GSCM 450Project Management


GSCM 451Business Forecasting


GSCM 454Supply and Logistics Negotiations


GSCM 458Purchasing and Logistics within the Food Industry


GSCM 459Production Planning and Control


ISQA 410Selected Topics


Other electives as approved by Supply and Logistics faculty

Total Credit Hours:24

School of Business Honors Track

The School of Business Honors Track is a two year program with approximately 50 undergraduate business students (25 accepted each year) who are admitted to the School of Business. Honors track students challenge themselves and polish their professional and academic business skills through a combination of special honors track sections of core business classes and a variety of extra-curricular workshops and events. Honors track students enjoy special opportunities to interact with business professionals, including CEOs, presidents, and vice-presidents of local and national companies. The honors track classes prepare students for MBA level work. Successful completion of all track requirements results in a separate designation on the student’s diploma.

Requirements for honors track designation include:

  • Honors only sections for BA 301, BA 311, BA 385, and BA 495
  • Perspectives in Leadership: BA 423H
  • Required half-day workshop each term (excluding summer term)
  • Advanced Business Communications Workshop
  • Executive Days in Residence
  • Honors Book Group
  • Advanced Microsoft Excel Workshop

For admission to the honors track, students must be degree-seeking undergraduates who are admitted to the School of Business by the end of the summer term prior to starting the honors track. Applications are evaluated based on GPA, application essays, and recommendation letters. Students must apply in the spring or summer term before the fall term in which they wish to be admitted to the honors track. A maximum of 25 students are accepted each fall for admission to the honors track.

Honors track requirements are subject to change. For the most current honors track requirements and more detailed application information visit: www.pdx.edu/sba/business-honors-track.