
In Oregon, educator candidates become eligible for a state educator license by completing coursework, student teaching and assessments, used to determine their status as program completers. Once all criteria are met, candidates  can then be recommended to Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TPSC) for an educator license. Assessments during a program include subject matter test(s), a civil rights knowledge test, and a nationally-scored assessment, edTPA.. For information on Oregon testing requirements please refer to the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission website.

Tools of multiple measure are available to programs to assist candidates for whom tests or assessments present a barrier to program completion. Each licensure program in the COE has processes for utilizing the multiple measures tools which were developed by TSPC.

Graduate Teacher Education Program

Elementary Mathematics Instructional Leader Specialization

Mathematics Instructional Leader - Grades 6-12 Specialization

Inclusive Elementary Educator Program (IEEP)

Secondary Dual Educator Program (SDEP)

Orientation and Mobility Stand Alone

Orientation and Mobility Add On

International Teacher Education Program

Bilingual Teacher Pathway (BTP) Program


ESOL/Bilingual endorsement

Educational Administration

Literacy Education/Reading Endorsement

School Counseling Licensing

Special Education Licensure Programs

Special Educator Initial License Program

Added Special Educator Endorsement (AddSPED)

Visually Impaired Learner Initial License or Endorsement Program

Early Intervention Special Education Initial License or Endorsement Program

Added Special Educator Endorsement (AddSPED)

The AddSPED endorsement program is designed especially for Oregon teachers with general education licenses at the elementary and/or middle/secondary grade levels that want to add a special education endorsement to their current non-provisional license.  AddSPED is a six term part time program offered using a hybrid format that is designed with working teachers in mind. 

For current prerequisites, please see:



SpEd 514Legal and Ethical Foundations of Special Education


SpEd 530Families and Advocacy


SpEd 537Reading Assessment & Instruction (Elementary)


SpEd 509Professional Practices Seminar 1


SpEd 548Positive Behavior Support in the Classroom


SpEd 522Comprehensive Individualized Assessment and Curriculum 1


SpEd 512Diagnostic Assessment


SpEd 523Comprehensive Individualized Assessment and Curriculum II


SpEd 510Inclusive Practices


SpEd 509Practicum II


SpEd 526IEP and Collaborative Teaming


SpEd 516Classroom Assessment, Instruction, and Behavior Management (Secondary)


Total Credit Hours: 39