ITP 466 Equity-Centered Mathematics Methods 2 for Elementary Educators

Prepares candidates to teach mathematics for social justice through equity-centered, research-based instructional practices. Supports candidates in developing anti-racist/anti-bias pedagogy by interrupting the notion of mathematics as neutral through exploration of instructional practices that center, support and affirm often-marginalized identities. Situates teaching, learning, and assessment within the context of state and national standards as well as research-proven practices. ITP 466/566 builds upon foundational learnings in ITP 465/565.



Slash Listed Courses

Also offered for graduate-level credit as ITP 566, and may be taken only once for credit.


Junior standing, declared major in Elementary Education, CI 116, CI 169, Psy 311U, Mth 211, Mth 212, Mth 213, and ITP 465.